About The Garden Bar

Monday 29 May 2017

How long does wine actually last after it's opened?

How long does wine last after it's opened,wine and maintenance

"I used to be one of those people who never left a bottle unfinished. But when drinking wine became my job, I found myself with more half-full bottles than ever; wines I loved and couldn’t bear to throw out just because they had been open for a day or two.

Perhaps you opened that bottle of Gamay a little late in the evening, or you only needed a splash of Pinot Grigio for your linguine and clams. Now here you are the next day/three days/week with half a bottle of wine and the timeless question: How long does an open bottle of wine last, really?

Because wine can be made in so many different ways, it’s impossible to give you a hard out on all wines. That would be like asking how long you have to eat a Snickers after you unwrap it, versus how long you have to eat an organic banana after you peel it. They are radically different. One is built to sit on gas station shelves for years, and the other just got picked and has about three days before it dies.

How long does wine last after it's opened,wine and maintenance

It's similar with wine.

The best way to keep wine after you’ve opened it, is to remember to recork it and put it in the fridge. By recorking and refrigerating, you’re limiting the wine’s exposure to oxygen, heat and light. These are all the things that take a bottle of wine from being next-day-decent to downright disgusting. 

If you were responsible enough to remember these precautions before you hit the hay, a bottle of red or white wine can last approximately between two and five days. For sparkling wine, you have one to three days (it will for sure go flat, but it’s still drinkable, and sometimes chugging flat sparkling wine after a long day is better than no wine at all). A wine could go bad in a day if it’s an unstable natural wine, or it could last for a week if it’s a highly tannic, commercial red you haven’t touched since the night you accidentally opened it..."

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